Play Group

Age Group - 1.5-2.5 years

Child, Teacher Ratio – 30:1

Assistant Teacher – 1

Support Staff – 1

Every day is full of fun activities and everything. We are designed to educate. Your child will learn to acquire skill with value education.


- Listening to stories
- Reciting the alphabet
- Developing a vocabulary of 300 words
- Identity naming words
- Singing and repeating rhymes and songs

Cognitive skills and maths

- Identifying colors, shapes, size and weight
- Developing classification skills
- Matching figures and objects
- Understanding the basic elements of time

Creative Art

- Freely choosing materials
- Using art for self-expression
- Using make believe to play

Music and movement

- Developing body awareness
- Developing rhythm and tempo
- Coordinating movement with basic action words
- Controlling body movement

Motor skills

- Mastering appropriate gross motor skills
- Developing hand eye coordination
- Improving speech and finger movement

Social Science

- Understanding human similarity
- Developing skills through group activities
- Becoming aware of one’s own feelings and others
- Developing skills to follow instruction
- Self help skills